Why is my watermelon rubbery?


The flesh of the watermelon that has been exposed is white, dry, and rubbery. The watermelon in question has a hollow heart, according to what I found out via Googling. The internal pattern develops as a result of insufficient pollination during the plant’s growth process. Fortunately, this unusual watermelon is completely safe to consume.

Aside from that, how can you tell when a waermelon has gone bad?

When determining if a watermelon is rotting, look for a consistent green or green-striped tint on the outside rind. Dark-colored or mouldy areas on the melon, which will seem fuzzy and be black, white, or green in colour, indicating that the melon isn’t in peak condition. If everything seems to be in order, place your nose near to the rind and inhale deeply to detect a delicious, fresh aroma.

In addition, what does it signify when a watermelon makes a hollow sound?

 The interior of a lighter melon may be dry or mealy. A hollow, resonant sound should be produced by rapping the side of a watermelon with your knuckles on the counter. If the melon makes a dull sound, it is underripe.

In addition to the above, why does my watermelon have a strange texture?

It implies that the watermelon has been resting on the ground for a lengthy period of time and is thus ready to be eaten if one side of the melon is flat and yellowish-brown. Ensure that the watermelon you get has a vibrant colour and a juicy texture so that you do not wind up with gritty watermelon when you buy cut pieces.

The appearance of a ripe watermelon is seen in the illustration.

Pay attention to its belly: Watermelons have an underside, or belly, that is in constant touch with the ground during their maturation. This is referred to as a “field spot.” This patch on a mature watermelon will be yellowish (often referred to as “buttery”), rather than white, which shows that the melon is still in its early stages of ripening.

There were 33 related questions and answers found.

Is it possible to get food sickness from watermelon?

The Listeria bacterium, which may develop on the rind and spread to the flesh of fruits cultivated on the ground such as cantaloupe (rockmelon), watermelon, and honeydew melon, poses a significant risk of causing food poisoning ( 35 ).

Is it possible for watermelon to go rotten and make you sick?

Watermelon that has been rotten may seem and smell good at times. If you have chopped melon that’s been lying in a container in your refrigerator for a week or more, this is often the case. Despite the fact that the fruit has not become slimy or mouldy as a result of being stored in a sealed container, the melon might nonetheless be rotten and possibly harmful to your health.

Is it possible for an uncut watermelon to go bad?

Uncut watermelons will keep for 7-10 days on the counter and 2-3 weeks in the refrigerator; chopped watermelons are also included in our table of ingredients. The amount of time that a watermelon may be kept fresh depends on when it was harvested and how it is preserved.

What is the best way to know whether a watermelon is good?

Look for the yellow spot: When watermelons are allowed to lay on the ground, they acquire a yellow blotch. When this blotch becomes a creamy golden colour, it indicates that the fruit is ripe. Give it a good thud: Tap the watermelon’s underside with your finger. A ripe one will produce a loud hollow sound when it is harvested.

When is it appropriate to avoid eating watermelon?

It is not suggested to drink watermelons at night, especially shortly before going to bed. “I would not advocate consuming watermelon or any fruit after 7 p.m.,” says the doctor. Watermelon has a somewhat sour taste, and if ingested late at night, it may cause digestion to be delayed while the body is sleeping.

Is it possible to become fat by eating watermelon?

Watermelons, when consumed in moderation, should not cause any major negative effects to the body. It is well-known that persons who consume larger amounts of fruits and vegetables tend to have better body weights. However, I do not suggest that you consume exclusively watermelon… “You will lose weight, but the majority of that weight will be muscle.”

What happens if you consume rotten fruit?

Depending on the process of spoiling, a variety of outcomes are possible. Because rotten and mouldy fruit may contain hazardous germs, fungus, and/or spores, you should avoid eating it. If the fruit has fermented in an anaerobic environment, you will get a kind of alcohol (wine) that may cause you to become intoxicated but is unlikely to do you bodily damage.

Is it possible to freeze watermelon?

The short answer is yes, watermelon can be frozen, but it will become mushy after it has been thawed and defrosted. Eat the watermelon in its full pieces while it’s still fresh since it won’t taste the same after it’s been frozen. You do not, however, have to throw away the watermelon that has been left over. Watermelon may also be frozen and served as sorbet or granita.

What should the interior of a watermelon look like?

If you’re looking at a sliced watermelon piece, the interior should be brilliant pink or crimson, with a thick, light rind around the edges. A melon that is overripe will have milder pink flesh that is more of a shell pink than a fiery pink. The rind may be greener than usual, and the exterior may be splotchy or discoloured on the outside.

What colour does a ripe watermelon seem to be?

A ripe watermelon has a greenish-white tint behind the outermost layer of the rind, which indicates that it is fully ripe. It’s important to remember that, unlike other melons, watermelons do not continue to ripen after they’ve been plucked.

What is the best way to choose watermelon stripes?

Take a close look at the region between the stripes on the watermelon if the fruit has stripes. According to him, “this region should be a bright green.” Then turn the watermelon over and examine the spot on the ground where the fruit had rested. Watermelon’s “belly spot” will be white or yellow if it is ripe, according to the USDA.

Is it true that bees fertilise watermelon?

Pollination of watermelon occurs in nature via the activity of bees, wasps, and other nectar-seeking insects that jump from bloom to flower and disperse pollen. Farmers often strive to maintain a ratio of one bee per 100 watermelon blossoms, which is based on a mathematical formula.
