In the Red Port, only the Paradise port could be seen clearly so far. It appears to be built on two Yarukiman Mangroves, which give the land the same features as the Sabaody Archipelago, including the occasional presence of floating bubbles.
It has a number of small, cylindrical-roofed structures, at least one of which is a restaurant decorated in Chinese style. The World Government symbol is located behind the bowsprit of a big ship structure that is on its coast. It is surrounded by smaller ship ports.
The port has two enormous bubble-built boats called Bondolas that are used as lifts to travel between Mary Geoise and the top of the Red Line. The enormous Shirahoshi and King Neptune, as well as a number of other royals and their parties, can all fit within because they are big and strong enough to do so. Bondolas with the numbers “2” and “4” are written in the Paradise port.