Tristan Tate body transformation: New Count of Monte Cristo

Tristan Tate's trainer shared the crazy body transformation of his client In a tweet on his birthday.

"Happy birthday @TateTheTalisman This wonderful man is like a brother to me. He is a great role model of our times, an example for each of us. He really is the new Count of Monte Cristo. Unlimited ambition and power. Even today he has trained twice so far."

Besides speaking highly of the younger Tate brother, Alex Stanciu termed him a role model and appreciated his ambition and power. Stanciu also highlighted the dedication of the former kickboxer by mentioning his strict adherence to his workout regime, even on his birthday.

Alex Stanciu is a prominent personal trainer with notable clients like Andrew Tate and Tristan Tate. The duo flexes an impressive physique and is an ardent advocate of personal fitness. Under his guidance, the Tate brothers have achieved remarkable results by following his tailored nutrition and diet plans.

Tristan Tate calls Ashley Graham "Fat" in a series of tweets on her picture

Controversial social media influencer Tristan Tate responded bitterly to a picture of American plus-size model and television presenter Ashley Graham on Twitter:

Tristan Tate, after terming Graham "fat," responded to his tweet by blaming them for enhancing the pictures and going a bit further by terming them "disgusting." The internet personality remains in the eye of the storm in the virtual world for his discordant positions. He and his elder brother, Andrew Tate, often face opposition for their misogynist opinions concerning women and their promotion of male toxicity.

Ashley Graham is a vocal advocate of fat positivity; the television presenter often takes internet trolls head-on when they fat-shame her. She expressed her views about handling social media trolling in 2019 while speaking at the Create & Cultivate Conference.

"I make these moments teachable moments. I am not going to come at you and be like, ‘F you, B,’ because why? That's just so much energy. So I said, 'You're right, ma'am. My cellulite and fat is hanging out of my pants and I am sexy AF.' Because, why are we going to give room for trolls? I don't have time for that.” [h/t Glamour]

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