The Untold Truth Of Misha Collins

In a 2022 tweet, Misha Collins revealed that he'd once had an internship at NPR. As Collins related during an interview with the University of Chicago's magazine, The Core, he got a chance to work along the likes of Nina Totenberg and Neal Conan. "I got a rush from it," he said. As he later told Pop Gurls, "I loved that job." However, when given a chance to keep working there after his internship, he decided to return to college instead.

That wasn't Collins' only prestigious internship; he also spent six month as an intern at the White House during the Clinton administration, working in the Office of Presidential Personnel. According to Collins, the gig mostly involved going through resumes of people who hoped to land a position appointed by the president. "I didn't actually love being there, but I did get to read some incredibly funny applications for jobs," he said.

What's more, prior to becoming an actor, Collins — under his real name, Dmitri Krushnic — wrote a 1998 op-ed for The Baltimore Sun about the scandal surrounding another White House intern, Monica Lewinsky. Drawing from his own experience, Collins defended Lewinsky's desire to get close to President Bill Clinton, writing, "I contend that the description of her behavior could fit any number of young interns. To varying degrees, the vast majority of White House interns and volunteers thrived on their brushes with Mr. Clinton."
