Taylor Swift surprises young fan battling cancer

If you’re a fan of Taylor Swift or if know anything about her, you most likely know that she has the most amazing relationship with her fans. She always does whatever she can to make them happy. Taylor opened up about the love she has for her fans in an interview earlier this year. She said: “I love them. They are cool and smart and hilarious and focused on the right things. I have to do everything I can to make their day better while I still can.” She does everything from sending them Christmas care packages to doing a surprise visit whenever she has the chance to.

Delaney Clements is a 13 year old girl who is battling stage 4 Neuroblastoma. Neuroblastoma is a solid tissue tumor that begins on the adrenal gland and is usually found in infants and toddlers. Delaney is one of Taylor’s biggest fans and one of her dreams before she get sicker was to meet her idol. On December 19th, Taylor Swift finally made one of Delaney’s dream come true.

About two weeks ago, Delaney’s mom made a Facebook post that said: “You never know how strong you are until strong is the only choice you have. The last couple of days have been a whirl wind of emotions for us. And we are still trying to grasp the reality that we have reached an impasse. Sunday Delaney was having severe headaches and her head was very tender in several spots. After a trip to the ER we discovered that the cancer in her body had made the jump to her head. Something we had been able to avoid for so many years. She has two separate tumors pressing on her brain. Unfortunately her body will not be able to sustain any more chemotherapy and the treatment we were on was not working. Tomorrow we will begin a 5 day treatment of radiation to help relieve some of the pressure of the tumor off her brain then we will go home and begin hospice care. This was a very difficult and heartbreaking decision for Delaney and our family. At this time we are dealing with many questions we are struggling to answer. We are so blessed to be surrounded with so many wonderful people who love and care for us and forever grateful for all the support we have received over the past five years. Our goal now is to keep Delaney as comfortable as possible and keep her spirits uplifted as she travels on a journey we fought so hard to avoid. I will do my best to update however I cannot promise much. Thank you all again for your love for my beautiful little girl.”

A day after Delaney’s mom made that post on Facebook, the radio station Mix1043fm posted on their website that they wanted to help Delaney met Taylor. They said: “Delaney’s one wish, she wants nothing more than to meet Taylor Swift. The community of Grand Junction has jumped on board with the hashtag campaign #DelaneyMeetTaylor to help this effort. Share this story on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram with the hashtag #DelaneyMeetTaylor and ask your friends to do the same. Let’s give Delaney the best Christmas wish a girl could ask for.” People from all over the world starting sharing Delaney’s story with the hashtag #DelaneyMeetTaylor and 10 days later, Delaney finally got to meet her idol.

On December 19th, Delaney posted a picture of her and Taylor on Instagram with the caption: “I was just laying down taking a nap in my room when my mom said I had a visitor. And I thought it might just be another person coming to see how I was. Then suddenly the most amazing miracle happens… The Taylor Swift walked into my bedroom and spent the afternoon with me just talking and hanging!!!! I am beyond Blessed for everyone’s help and support!!! Thank you!!! Happy holidays!” Taylor also posted a picture of her with Delaney with the caption: “Merry Christmas Baby @delaneyy.bugg”

Do you agree that Taylor has the most amazing relationship with her fans? Leave a comment below or tweet us at @CelebMix!
