Sum of the first 100 Odd Numbers

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Calculate the sum of the following

The first 100 Odd Numbers

Σ n Odd Numbers formula:

S100 = n2

S100 = 1002

S100 = 10,000

Average (A) of the first 100 Odd Numbers
A  =  Sum of the first 100 Odd Numbers

A  =  10000

Average (A) of the first 100 Odd Numbers = 100

Sum of the first 100 Odd Numbers

  n    On  
  1    1  
  2    3  
  3    5  
  4    7  
  5    9  
  6    11  
  7    13  
  8    15  
  9    17  
  10    19  
  11    21  
  12    23  
  13    25  
  14    27  
  15    29  
  16    31  
  17    33  
  18    35  
  19    37  
  20    39  
  21    41  
  22    43  
  23    45  
  24    47  
  25    49  
  26    51  
  27    53  
  28    55  
  29    57  
  30    59  
  31    61  
  32    63  
  33    65  
  34    67  
  35    69  
  36    71  
  37    73  
  38    75  
  39    77  
  40    79  
  41    81  
  42    83  
  43    85  
  44    87  
  45    89  
  46    91  
  47    93  
  48    95  
  49    97  
  50    99  
  51    101  
  52    103  
  53    105  
  54    107  
  55    109  
  56    111  
  57    113  
  58    115  
  59    117  
  60    119  
  61    121  
  62    123  
  63    125  
  64    127  
  65    129  
  66    131  
  67    133  
  68    135  
  69    137  
  70    139  
  71    141  
  72    143  
  73    145  
  74    147  
  75    149  
  76    151  
  77    153  
  78    155  
  79    157  
  80    159  
  81    161  
  82    163  
  83    165  
  84    167  
  85    169  
  86    171  
  87    173  
  88    175  
  89    177  
  90    179  
  91    181  
  92    183  
  93    185  
  94    187  
  95    189  
  96    191  
  97    193  
  98    195  
  99    197  
  100    199  
Final Answer

S100 = 10,000
Average (A) of the first 100 Odd Numbers = 100

You have 1 free calculations remaining

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Average (A) of the first 100 Odd Numbers = 100 $$", "name": null, "url": null, "image": null, "video": null}], "name": "Final Answer", "url": null, "image": null, "video": null }]} ], "totalTime": "", "supply": "" } }

What is the Answer?

S100 = 10,000
Average (A) of the first 100 Odd Numbers = 100

How does the Sum of the First (n) Numbers Calculator work?

Free Sum of the First (n) Numbers Calculator - Determines the sum of the first (n)
* Whole Numbers
* Natural Numbers
* Even Numbers
* Odd Numbers
* Square Numbers
* Cube Numbers
* Fourth Power Numbers
This calculator has 1 input.

What 7 formulas are used for the Sum of the First (n) Numbers Calculator?

Sum of the first n whole numbers = n(n - 1)/2
Sum of the first n natural numbers = n(n - 1)/2
Sum of the first n even numbers = n(n - 1)
Sum of the first n odd numbers = n2
Sum of the first n square numbers = n(n + 1)(2n + 1)/6
Sum of the first n cube numbers = n2(n + 1)2/4
Sum of the first n fourth power numbers = n(n + 1)(2n + 1)(3n2 + 3n - 1)/30

For more math formulas, check out our Formula Dossier

What 7 concepts are covered in the Sum of the First (n) Numbers Calculator?

even numbera whole number that is able to be divided by two into two equal whole numbersintegera whole number; a number that is not a fraction
...,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4,5,...natural numberthe positive integers (whole numbers)
1, 2, 3, ...odd numbera whole number that is not able to be divided by two into two equal whole numberssumthe total amount resulting from the addition of two or more numbers, amounts, or itemssum of the first (n) numberswhole numbernumbers that include natural numbers and zero
{0, 1, 2, 3, ...}

Example calculations for the Sum of the First (n) Numbers Calculator

Sum of the First (n) Numbers Calculator Video


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