Soul Eater anime remake announcement likely as new visual surfaces

The final episode of the Soul Eater anime aired more than 14 years ago. When it came out in April 2008, the Studio Bones anime was a big hit with fans, but it was over far too soon. However, fans now have something to look forward to as the 15th anniversary of the Soul Eater anime approaches.

A new key graphic for the anime has been released, and according to reports, there will be a special program on the anniversary that promises new projects for fans to look forward to. Some fans are seeing this as a sign that there may be an anime version in the works.

Read on to find out more about what the message says and why fans think it means a remake is coming.

Soul Eater anime's recent announcement has fans hopeful about a remake

Trustworthy account @AniNewsAndFacts (Anime News and Facts) recently unveiled a new key visual for the Soul Eater anime. With the visual drop, it was also announced that on April 7, 2023, which marks the 15th anniversary of the anime, there will also be a special program as well as new merchandise reveal.

The Soul Eater anime had 51 episodes in total during its original run. The first 35 episodes mostly followed the manga. Nevertheless, Atsushi Ohkubo had not finished writing the manga, and BONES was still animating Soul Eater at the time. Due to this, BONES was forced to adapt the story in a unique way.

Having said that, it is regrettable that after episode 35, the Soul Eater anime had to diverge from its original source, and the anime adaptation struggled beyond episode 35, especially the conclusion, leaving fans quite dissatisfied.

A Still from Soul Eater anime (Image via BONES Studio)

Given that Atsushi Ohkubo finished his manga series in 2013, fans have been speculating as to whether Studio Bones will revisit Soul Eater, remake it, and this time adhere to the book.

Many petitions were also filed for the remake. Unfortunately, Bones never stated anything about reviving the series.

But now, with the new key visual, there is excitement among the fanbase that there could be a major announcement for the remake of the series.

Fans react to the new key visual of Soul Eater

Soul Eater (Image via BONES Studio)

Fans have wanted an anime remake of Soul Eater for a long time. During its run, the manga series was right behind Naruto, One Piece, and Bleach in terms of popularity, making it a major cult phenomenon. This was true not only for the manga, but also for the anime adaptation.

In light of the recent announcement, here is how some fans have reacted on Twitter.

The potential of an anime remake for Soul Eater is still hovering over fans' heads. However, nothing can be said for sure as of now. It will be clear whether the remake was accurate or simply a crazy conjecture once the new projects are revealed on the official website.

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