How to make and use latex (2022)

Minecraft Education Edition is very different from the normal editions of Minecraft that players would typically be familiar with. As the name implies, this version of the game is much more geared towards teaching players real-world concepts, specifically, in this case, chemistry.

A total of 30 compounds can be crafted, and players have full access to the periodic table of elements, using blocks known as the compound constructor and elemental constructor, respectively.

Diving into the uses of latex in Minecraft Education Edition

The element constructor

The element constructor being used (Image via Minecraft)

The element constructor is one of the blocks exclusive to this edition of the game. It allows for the construction of elements based on the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons designated by the player in the constructor’s interface.

To create latex, players will need to create carbon and hydrogen. Latex’s crafting recipe calls for five carbon and eight hydrogens.

Carbon requires players to input six protons, six electrons, and five, six, seven, or eight neutrons. Hydrogen requires players to input one proton, one electron, and either zero, one, or two neutrons. Once these elements have been constructed, players can move to craft latex.

The compound constructor

The compound constructor being used to make latex (Image via Minecraft)

Another of Education Edition’s exclusive blocks is the compound constructor. This crafting station allows players to combine base elements into more complex compounds. Despite being a crafting station, it acts in a few unique ways that differentiate it from things like the regular crafting table.

The largest and most pronounced difference is that stacks of elements are considered when creating compounds. Instead of taking up eight of the nine squares with carbon in a recipe that requires eight carbon, players can instead put a stack of eight carbon into the crafting grid, and all eight will be counted towards the recipe.

The other difference is that all the crafting recipes for the compound creator are shapeless, requiring the correct number of elements instead of the right shape of items. Additionally, unlike most other GUI blocks, the elements are not consumed when used to craft a compound.

Creating latex and using it

Using latex to craft a red balloon (Image via Minecraft)

Latex is created by placing five carbon atoms and eight hydrogen atoms into the compound constructor. This is done by simply placing two stacks of elements into the grid, after which the player should receive the latex compound.

Inside the Education Edition of Minecraft, there is only one use for latex. It is the crafting of balloons. This is done inside a crafting table's interface.

Players will need a lead to craft a balloon, which can be prepared using string and a slime ball. They will also need one of the game’s dyes to color the balloon according to the dye used.

The lead should be placed in the bottom middle crafting square, while the dye should be placed in the top middle.

Lastly, players will need a single helium element placed in the center of the grid and six latex runs along both sides of the crafting interface.

For the complete cactus farming, click here.

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