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NBA 2K23 has added a range of new features, customizations, events and locations to improve the gamer experience.

Gamers have the option of creating their own dream players and teams using the various new features and secret custom builds that have been added. Of course, the changes in the game are all in addition to the various gameplay enhancements.

One of these is in the form of updated post-move controls that are related to various close-range shots. The clearest change is in the form of Dropsteps and Post hop shots that are now controlled by dummy throws.

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Similarly, Switchbacks are now to be used for shimmy fades and hook shots. The following article looks at the updated post move controls in NBA 2K23.

NBA 2K23: New Post move control list and things to know

Post move controls have undergone a plethora of changes with respect to NBA 2K22. The changes have been added to give players a greater sense of control over their choice of shots. The changes also allow for greater control over the exact kind of shot that the gamer wishes to make. They will also be controlled by player skills and the various animations that might have been added.

The following changes have been introduced in NBA 2K23:

  • Enter and Leave Post: Press and hold Left Trigger (L2/LT) to post up and then release.
  • Post Pivot: Press and hold L2/LT to post up, move LS in any direction and release.
  • Dropstep: Hold L2/LT to post up, then move and hold LS left or right toward the hoop before tapping X.
  • Spin or Drive: Hold L2/LT to post up, rotate (RS) to either side.
  • Switch Facing: Hold L2/LT to post up, move RS and release.
  • Aggressive Backdown: Hold L2/LT, Hold (R2/RT) + LS.
  • Avoid Steal: Hold L2/LT , press RS down and release.
  • Post Layup: Hold L2/LT, move LS toward hoop and hold RS.
  • Post Hook: Hold L2/LT leave LS and move and hold RS.
  • Post Fade: Hold L2/LT, move and hold RS away from hoop.
  • Post Shimmy Hook: Hold L2/LT , move RS and quickly release RS up-left or up-right.
  • Post Shimmy Fade: Hold L2/LT,Move RS up, release and move and hold RS again.
  • Post Hop: Hold L2/LT, hold LS and tap Square/X.
  • Post Pump Fake: Hold L2/LT, press RS and release.
  • Post Up and Under: Hold L2/LT, RS to fake, let go off L2/LT and quickly move and hold RS once again.
  • Post Dunk Attempt: Hold L2/LT, Hold R2/RT and move LS + RS.

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