Spoiler for MadMen season four finale below
Earlier this week we heard a rumor from the British press that ginger beauty Christina Hendricks was about to cut down her trademark curves by dieting to lose 35 pounds. The Daily Mail quoted a “source” who had specific details of her alleged diet and motivation to lose weight. They said “Christina has got sick of all the talk of her being the curviest woman in Hollywood. For her it basically meant she was being called fat. Now she’s gone against everything she believed in before by going on the first diet of her life. Christina’s cut out carbs, and alcohol, although she’s not a big drinker. She’s eating fish oil to break down fat and pak choi and edamame nearly every meal. She hopes the first stone will fall off in the next month or so.” I’ve never heard of that pak choi and edamame diet and apparently neither has Hendricks. She told Hollywood Life at an event that she’s perfectly happy with her gorgeous figure and isn’t on a diet at all.
Chloe and I had been so upset about the Daily Mail’s two-day report that curvaceous Christina was planning to start the first diet of her life- to drop 35 lbs!
“I’m completely happy with my body, I’m not dropping 35 lbs!”, Christina told Chloe, who just had to ask her about the report. Hendricks, 35, was genuinely shocked- she hadn’t read the story- and gave Chloe a hug, thrilled that we’d be setting the record striaight!
The actress, with her red hair, was unmistakable at the small party in the Club Room of the Soho Grand Hotel. The premiere itself was hosted by the Cinema Society & Everlon Diamond Knot Collection.
She couldn’t have been sweeter! Hooray for Christina and her curves, which are here to stay!
[From Hollywood Life]
This just goes to show that the UK is behind the US when it comes to the latest episodes of Mad Men. Our UK visitors can correct me if I’m wrong, but according to TVGuide.co.uk, BBC4 is currently airing episode seven out of 13 episodes for Mad Men this season. There’s a massive spoiler to follow so please stop reading now if you’re a Mad Men fan and haven’t yet seen this season’s finale. We learned in the last episode that Christina’s character, Joan Holloway, is pregnant. (We previously thought she aborted the baby, which is her lover Roger Sterlings, but found out that she kept it and is trying to pass it off as her husband’s, who is serving in Vietnam.) So based on her character in Mad Men, it’s highly unlikely that Hendricks would chose to lose weight at this point anyway. Plus we’ve heard from Hendrick’s costar January Jones that producers tell the female actresses specifically not to diet or lose weight so that they’ll look authentic. That warning seems to have been lost on Elizabeth Moss, but I’m sure they wouldn’t want Hendricks to lose weight, especially when her famously curvy character is supposed to be pregnant.
Mad Men photos via Madmen.wikia.com